- Cama-i, quyana tailuci!
- (Central Yup’ik)
- "Greetings, thank you for coming!"
Administrative Certificates
If you wish to be employed to school administrator in an Alaska public school, you must hold an administrative certificate issued by the Alaska Teacher Certification Office.
A Type B Administrative certificate does not qualify the holder for assignment as a classroom teacher or school administrator.
The Alaska Teacher Certification office issues four types of administrative certificates:
Type B: Provisional (2-Year)
To qualify for a Type B: Provisional Administrative certificate, an applicant must meet the following requirements:
- Resume showing three (3) years’ experience as a certificated teacher or special service provider
- Completion of an approved educator preparation program in school administration
- Official transcripts showing Master’s degree or higher from a regionally or nationally accredited institution
- The Alaska Reads Act K-3 Administrator endorsement is required for administrators of a school with K-3 students
- Completion of the four Mandatory Trainings
- Applicants must provide at least one document of verification for the completed training.
- Submission of a fingerprint card
- Complete application and fees
Next Step: Apply for the Type B: Regular Five-Year Certificate.
Type B: Regular (5-Year)
To qualify for a regular Type B Administrative certificate, an applicant must meet the following requirements:
- Resume showing three (3) years’ experience as a certificated teacher or special service provider
- Completion of an approved educator preparation program in school administration
- Administrative State Approved Program Verification Form. A credential evaluation report is required for college-level coursework has been completed outside of the United States.
- Official transcripts showing Master’s degree or higher from a regionally or nationally accredited institution or a credential evaluation report if the program was completed outside of the United States.
- Submission of official transcripts showing:
- 3 semester hours of approved Alaska Studies coursework
- 3 semester hours of approved Alaska Multicultural coursework
- The Alaska Reads Act K-3 Administrator endorsement is required for administrators of a school with K-3 students
- Completion of the four Mandatory Trainings
- Applicants must provide at least one document of verification for the completed training.
- Submission of a fingerprint card
- Complete application and fees
The regular Type B Administrative certificate is valid for five (5) years and is renewable.
Next step: Renew the Regular Administrator Certificate
Type B: Reemployment
Applicants who held a Type B certificate that has been expired for over 12 months may be eligible for the Reemployment Certificate. The Reemployment certificate is valid for one year and is not renewable. During the life of the Reemployment certificate, the applicant must complete all current requirements for the regular five-year certificate and submit an application.
To qualify for a Reemployment Administrative certificate, an applicant must meet the following requirements:
- Completion of the four Mandatory Trainings
- Applicants must provide at least one document of verification for the completed training.
- Submission of a fingerprint card
- Complete application and fees
Special Notes about the Reemployment Certificate
- A Reemployment Certificate is non-renewable. After holding a Reemployment certificate, applicants are only eligible to apply for the Regular five-year certificate and will not qualify for Provisional certification. Before applying for the Regular five-year certificate, applicants must meet all current requirements for certification. It is the responsibility of the applicant to know what all current certification requirements are.
- The endorsements on the Reemployment certificate will be the same as those on the applicant’s expired administrative or special services certificate.
- During the life of the Reemployment certificate no endorsements may be added or removed.
Next Step: Apply for a Regular Administrative Certificate
Endorsement Information
A Superintendent endorsement requires the completion of a state-approved superintendency program from a regionally or nationally accredited university and verification of at least five (5) years of employment as a classroom teacher or administrator. (At least three of the five years must have been satisfactory employment as a teacher with a teaching certificate or comparable certificate issued by another state. At least one of the five years must have been satisfactory employment as an administrator with a Type B certificate or comparable certificate from another state.)
Special Education Administrator Endorsement
Special education administrator endorsements require the completion of a state-approved special education administrative program from a regionally or nationally accredited university and verification of at least three years of employment as a certified special education teacher or school psychologist, with a teaching or special services certificate or comparable certificate issued by another state.
Director of Special Education
If you wish to be employed solely as the administrator or director of special education and are not eligible for a special education administrator endorsement, you must possess both a Type B certificate and a teaching certificate endorsed for special education or for a related services specialty. (This does not constitute an endorsement.) 4 AAC 12.350
Please note: To be assigned as a classroom teacher in Alaska, you must have a valid teacher certificate (Initial, Professional, or Master). The Type B does not allow the holder to be a classroom teacher.
If you currently hold a valid Alaska teaching certificate and are applying for a Type B certificate, you are considered an initial applicant for the Type B.