- Cama-i, quyana tailuci!
- (Central Yup’ik)
- "Greetings, thank you for coming!"
Approved Alaska Studies & Multicultural Courses
Alaska Studies Coursework Requirement
The Alaska Studies courses listed below meet the initial teacher certification requirements of AS 14.20.020(h) and 4 AAC 12.075(b). If a course offered by an Alaska college or university does not appear on this list, it is not approved to satisfy these certification requirements. Courses are subject to availability and may be offered at branch campuses or by distance delivery (correspondence). Please contact the institution directly with questions about availability, content, or enrollment.
Courses taken to satisfy the Alaska Studies coursework requirement may also be used to satisfy the recency credit requirement for certification.
Alaska Studies are studies of the environment, indigenous and immigrant residents, and institutions of Alaska, with specific study of the social, economic, and political history of Alaska, and educational institutions and laws that affect the people of Alaska.
Approved Courses
Alaska Pacific University
Course Number | Course Title | Semester Credit |
CS 22700 |
History and Culture of Alaska Natives |
3 |
ED 49200/59500 |
Alaska Alive! |
3 |
ED 58070 |
Exploring Alaska: A Natural and Cultural History |
3 |
HI 20104 |
Alaska's History |
4 |
HI 62700 |
History and Culture of Alaska Natives |
3 |
Alaska Native Governance Systems |
3 |
ANS 30100 |
Alaska Native Rights & the Law |
4 |
MBA 60910
ANCSA History and Context |
3 |
University of Alaska Anchorage
Course Number | Course Title | Semester Credit |
AKNS A201 |
Alaska Native Perspectives |
3 |
AKNS A240 |
Alaska Native Cultural Orientation ‐ Alutiiq/Sugpiaq |
3 |
AKNS A240A |
Alaska Native Cultural Orientation – Yup’ik |
3 |
AKNS A240F |
Alaska Native Cultural Orientation – Dena’ina |
3 |
AKNS A240H |
Alaska Native Cultural Orientation – Ahtna |
3 |
AKNS A240I |
Alaska Native Cultural Orientation – Unangax̂ |
3 |
AKNS A303/PS A313 |
Tribes, Nations and Peoples |
3 |
AKNS A346/PS A346 |
Alaska Native Politics |
3 |
ANTH A200 |
Natives of Alaska (old name)/Alaska Native Cultures (current name) |
3 |
ANTH A325 |
Cook Inlet Anthropology |
3 |
ED A545K |
Alaska Studies for Educators: An Examination of Conflicting Perspectives |
3 |
ED A550K** |
Culturally Responsive Teaching and Alaska Studies: An Induction into Teaching |
6 |
ED/EDFN A478 (old/current prefix) |
Issues in Alaska Native Education, K‐12 |
3 |
HIST A341 |
History of Alaska |
3 |
HIST A641 |
Studies in Alaska History |
3 |
PS A345 |
Alaska Government and Politics |
3 |
**This course may be used to satisfy either the Alaska Studies and Alaska Multicultural requirement. |
University of Alaska Southeast
Course Number | Course Title | Semester Credit |
ALST S300 |
Alaska Studies |
3 |
ALST S600 |
Alaska: Resources, People, and Perspectives |
3 |
ALST S603/ED 603 |
Alaska Literature for Young People |
3 |
ANS 101 |
Introduction on to Alaska Native Studies |
3 |
ANS 240 |
Indigenous Oral Literature |
3 |
ANS 320 |
Alaska Native Ecological Knowledge |
3 |
ANS 360 |
Introduction to Federal Indian Law |
3 |
ANS 365 |
Indigenous Social Movements |
3 |
ANS 460 |
ANCSA & Tribal Governance |
3 |
ANTH S200 |
Alaska Native Cultures |
3 |
ANTH S475 |
Alaska Native Social Change |
3 |
ART S263 |
Northwest Coast Native Art History and Culture |
3 |
ED 405 |
Children's Literature in the Alaska Context |
3 |
EDSE 486 |
Special Education Through the Lens of the Alaska Native Peoples |
3 |
GOVT/PS 313 |
Alaska Politics and Government |
3 |
HIST S341 |
History of Alaska |
3 |
University of Alaska Fairbanks
Course Number | Course Title | Semester Credit |
ANS 101 |
Introduction to Alaska Native Studies |
3 |
ANS 111X |
History of Colonization in Alaska |
3 |
ANS 242X* |
Native Cultures of Alaska |
3 |
ANS 310 |
Indigenous Land Settlements |
3 |
ANS/PS 325 |
Alaska Native Self Government |
3 |
ANS/PS 425 |
Federal Indian Law and Alaska Natives |
3 |
ANS 475 |
Alaska Native Social Change |
3 |
ANTH 242X |
Native Cultures of Alaska |
3 |
ED 681* |
Place-Based Education |
3 |
ED 687 |
Alaska: Resources, People and Perspectives |
3 |
ED F206 |
Core Practices in Place and Arts-Based Teaching |
3 |
GEOG 302 |
Geography of Alaska |
3 |
HIST 110 |
History of Alaska Natives |
3 |
HIST 115 |
Alaska, Land, and Its People |
3 |
HIST/ACNS 461/661/662 |
History of Alaska |
3 |
RD 110 |
Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act: Claims in the 21st Century |
1 |
RD 265 |
Perspectives on Subsistence |
3 |
RD 465 |
Community Healing and Wellness |
3 |
RD 470/670 |
Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act: Pre‐1971 to Present |
3 |
RD/CCS 612* |
Traditional Ecological Knowledge |
3 |
*This course may be used to satisfy either the Alaska Studies or Alaska Multicultural requirement (not both). |
Ilisagvik College
Course Number | Course Title | Semester Credit |
ANTH 242 |
Native Cultures of Alaska |
3 |
HIST 115 |
Alaska, Land, and Its People |
3 |
INU 210 |
Inupiaq Land Use, Values and Resources |
3 |
INU 220 |
North Slope Inupiaq History, Language and Culture |
3 |
SSC 218 |
Topics in the Social Sciences: Contemporary North Slope History |
3 |
Alaska Bible College
Course Number | Course Title | Semester Credit |
GE-HI3101 |
Alaska Studies |
3 |
Multicultural Education/Cross-Cultural Communication Coursework Requirement
Approved Courses Effective Date: March 13, 2025
The multicultural education/cross-cultural communication courses listed below meet the initial teacher certification requirements of AS 14.20.020(h) and 4 AAC 12.075(b). If a course offered by an Alaska college or university does not appear on this list, it is not approved to satisfy the certification requirements. Courses are subject to availability and may be offered at branch campuses or by distance delivery (correspondence). Please contact the institution directly with questions about availability, content, or enrollment.
Courses taken to satisfy the Alaska Multicultural coursework requirement can also be used to satisfy the recency credit requirement for certification.
Multicultural Education: The study of the meaning of culture, and the relationship and influences between culture and education, with specific study of the teaching, administration, and effectiveness of schooling as they relate to multicultural student populations in Alaska.
Cross-Cultural Communications: An interdisciplinary examination of communication and language in a cross-cultural education situation, with specific study of the language, literacy, and interethnic communications of children and cultures of Alaska.
Approved Courses
Alaska Pacific University
Course Number | Course Title | Semester Credit |
ED 45300/ ED 65300 |
Multicultural Education |
3 |
ED 49200 |
Creating Culturally Responsive Schools |
3 |
ED 59200 |
Communicating Across Cultures |
3 |
ED 59600 |
Creating Culturally Responsive Schools |
3 |
ED 65300 |
Multicultural Education |
3 |
PY 64600 |
Social Cultural Foundations of Counseling (Type C Only) |
4 |
ED 55500/ ED 65500 |
Indigenous Awareness and Culturally Responsive Teaching |
3 |
ANS 31000 |
Indigenous Well-Being and Ways of Knowing |
3 |
University of Alaska Anchorage
Course Number | Course Title | Semester Credit |
AKNS A482 |
Indigenous Knowledge(s) and the Sciences in Global Contexts |
3 |
ED A545D |
Cultural and History/Social Studies Institute |
3 |
ED A550K** |
Culturally Responsive Teaching and Alaska Studies: An Induction into Teaching in Alaska Communities |
6 |
ED A555B |
Multicultural Studies for Alaska's Teachers |
3 |
ED A555K |
Culturally Responsive Teaching: Framework for Teaching and Learning in Alaska |
3 |
ED A572Y |
APTE Cultural and English/Language Arts Institute |
3 |
ED/EDFN A300 (old/current prefix) |
Philosophical and Social Context of American Education |
3 |
ED/EDFN A621 (old/current prefix) |
Culture, Language and Literacy |
3 |
EDFN A304 |
Comparative Education |
3 |
EDFN A641 |
Place, Culture and Responsibility |
3 |
EDL A620 |
Multicultural Education (old name)/Cross-Cultural Communication: CCG (old name)/Leadership in Alaska Culture and Social Justice Issues (current name) |
3 |
EDTL A651 |
Curriculum Theory and Design |
3 |
EDTL A692 |
Early Career Teaching Seminar: Culturally Responsive Education (old name)/Seminar in Culturally Responsive Education (current name) |
3 |
NS A623 |
Trans-Cultural Nursing in a Multicultural World (old name)/Transcultural Nursing (current name) (Type C Only) |
3 |
SWK A343 |
Human Diversity in Social Work Practice (old name)/Human Behavior: Diversity and Discrimination (current name) (Type C Only) |
3 |
NS A623 | Trans-Cultural Nursing in a Multicultural World (Type C Only) | 3 |
SWK A343 | Human Diversity in Social Work Practice (Type C Only) | 3 |
K-12 Music Certification Program | ||
** The following course may be used to satisfy both the Alaska Studies and Alaska Multicultural requirement. |
University of Alaska Southeast
Course Number | Course Title | Semester Credit |
ED S380 |
Multicultural Education |
3 |
ED S680 |
Perspectives in Multicultural Education |
3 |
COMM S330 |
Intercultural Communications |
3 |
University of Alaska Fairbanks
Distance Delivery: 1-800-277-8060
Course Number | Course Title | Semester Credit |
ANL 151 |
Interpretive Communications |
3 |
ANS 350 |
Cross Cultural Communication: Alaskan Perspectives |
3 |
ANS/ANTH 242* |
Native Cultures of Alaska |
3 |
ANS/ED 420/606 |
Alaska Native Education |
3 |
ANS/ED 461 |
Native Ways of Knowing |
3 |
ANS/RD 401 |
Cultural Knowledge of Native Elders |
3 |
CCS/ED 610 |
Education and Cultural Processes |
3 |
CCS/ED 611 |
Culture, Cognition and Knowledge Acquisition |
3 |
CCS/RD 612* |
Traditional Ecological Knowledge |
3 |
CCS/ED 619 |
Cultural Atlases |
CCS/ED 631 |
Culture, Community and the Curriculum |
3 |
COJO 330 |
Intercultural Communication |
3 |
COUN/PSY 660/661 |
Cross-Cultural Counseling |
3 |
ED 456 |
Orientation to Teaching in Rural Alaska |
3 |
ED 593 |
Core Practices in Place-based and Arts Integrated Teaching |
3 |
ED 624 |
Foundations of Education in Alaska: From Segregation to Standards |
3 |
ED 660 |
Educational Administration in Cultural Perspective |
3 |
ED 681* |
Place Based Education |
3 |
ED 682 |
Rethinking Multicultural Education |
3 |
EDSC 457/657 |
Multicultural Education and School-Community Relations |
3 |
LING 450/650 |
Language Policy and Planning |
3 |
* The following are courses from University of Alaska Fairbanks may be used to satisfy either the Alaska Multicultural or Alaska Studies requirement: (ANS/ANTH 242, CCS/RD 612, or ED 681). Please note: If you use a course to fulfill the Alaska Multicultural requirement, you cannot use it to satisfy the Alaska Studies requirement as well. |
Ilisagvik College
Course Number | Course Title | Semester Credit |
ANS 239 |
Native American/Alaska Native Children's Literature |
3 |
ANS 240 |
Alaska Native Film |
3 |
ANS/ED 593 |
Multicultural Learning & Teaching in Northern Alaska (historical) |
3 |
ANTH 242 |
Core Practices in Place-based and Arts Integrated Teaching |
3 |
ANTH 242 |
Native Cultures of Alaska |
3 |
Alaska Bible College
Course Number | Course Title | Semester Credit |
GE-CM2101 |
Intercultural Communication |
3 |