- Cama-i, quyana tailuci!
- (Central Yup’ik)
- "Greetings, thank you for coming!"
Career & Technical Education
Learning that Works for Alaska
"Career Technical Education (CTE) programs are changing, evolving, and innovating to better serve the country’s needs. CTE is preparing students of all ages to help drive America’s success and vitality. Further, it is creating an educational environment that integrates core academics with real-world relevance. CTE is leading this change, transforming expectations, and making a difference for students, for secondary and postsecondary schools, for businesses and industry—for America."
(The CTE brand logo, positioning theme, and extensions are the property of NASDCTEc.)
Contact Us
- State CTE Program Administrator
- Brad Billings: 907-465-8720
- CTE Program Specialist
- Bjorn Wolter, Ph.D: 907-465-6542
- CTE Program Specialist
- Sheila Box: 907-465-8704
- Education Associate
- Felicia Swanson: 907-465-2980
- Division Operations Manager
- Deborah Riddle: 907-465-2892
Additional Program Contacts
- Grants Administrator
- Kristina Monson: 907-465-2930