- Cama-i, quyana tailuci!
- (Central Yup’ik)
- "Greetings, thank you for coming!"
Summative Achievement Level Summaries
To view descriptions for an achievement level, first select the student’s grade below. Then select the content area and the achievement level you wish to view.
Grade 3 English Language Arts - Advanced - 1599-1720
Students who score at this level demonstrate a high degree of consistency and accuracy when interacting with grade level literature and informational text. They summarize from a section, whole text, and across texts: main idea, central message, supporting details, plot, or theme; and ask and answer complex questions to demonstrate understanding of a text, referring explicitly to the text as the basis for answers. Students analyze authors’ purpose(s) and describe in depth how the author connects ideas within and across texts. They demonstrate in depth understanding of nuances in word meanings and distinguish the literal and nonliteral meanings of words and phrases. When writing, students independently draft and revise text using advanced organizational structure, use complex sentences, and select detailed language to communicate information or support an opinion on a particular topic. Students at this level demonstrate mastery of the knowledge and skills on a range of complex grade level content.
Grade 3 English Language Arts - Proficient - 1582-1598
Students who score at this level demonstrate consistency and accuracy when interacting with grade level literature and informational text. They summarize from a section or whole text: main idea, central message, supporting details, plot, or theme; and answer questions to understand the text, referring explicitly to the text as the basis for answers. Students use reasoning and evidence to interpret authors’ purpose(s) within and across text(s). They clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases and distinguish the literal and nonliteral meanings of words and phrases. When writing, students draft and revise text in a logical organizational structure, use complete and correct sentences, and use grade-appropriate language to communicate information or support an opinion on a particular topic. Students at this level demonstrate mastery of the knowledge and skills of most grade level content.
Grade 3 English Language Arts - Approaching Proficient - 1562-1581
Students who score at this level demonstrate limited consistency and accuracy when interacting with grade level literature and informational text. They use explicit text evidence to make logical conclusions, identify key details, make predictions, and identify obvious literary elements (e.g., plot, characterization, setting, theme). Students ask and answer basic questions to demonstrate understanding of a text and describe in simple terms how the author connects ideas to support specific points. Students attempt to use context clues to understand word meanings, determine the meaning of unknown words and phrases, and distinguish the literal or nonliteral meanings of words and phrases. When writing, students draft and revise text in a basic organizational structure, use simple and complete sentences, and use some grade-appropriate language to communicate information or support an opinion on a particular topic. Students at this level may have gaps in knowledge and skills but are approaching mastery of some grade level content.
Grade 3 English Language Arts - Needs Support - 1400-1561
Students who score at this level demonstrate minimal consistency and accuracy when interacting with grade level literature and informational text. They answer basic questions, recall details, and make simple predictions based on explicit text, identifying obvious fact and opinion, and locating a clearly stated main idea. Students locate authors' obvious purpose and attempt to describe how the author connects ideas. Students use obvious context clues to understand word meanings and attempt to determine or clarify the meaning of basic unknown words. They demonstrate emerging understanding of basic word meanings and attempt to distinguish the literal or nonliteral meanings of words and phrases in context. When writing, students require guidance and resources to draft and revise text in a basic organizational structure, use simple sentences, and attempt to use grade-appropriate language to communicate information or support an opinion on a particular topic. Students at this level need support to master the knowledge and skills of current grade level content.
Grade 3 Math - Advanced - 1546-1720
Students who score at this level demonstrate comprehensive understanding of grade 3 mathematics. Some of the skills demonstrated may include: rounding multi-digit whole numbers; multiplying 1-digit whole numbers by multiples of 100; understanding fractional equivalence; recognizing and interpreting mixed numbers; explaining rules for arithmetic patterns; solving and interpreting multistep word problems that represent real-world situations; evaluating and identifying errors in a solution strategy for simple equations; solving equations and measurement problems in which symbols are used for the unknown value; recognizing patterns between area and perimeter; partitioning shapes into equal areas and relating them to fractional parts; and solving multistep problems involving the interpretation of data displays. Students at this level demonstrate mastery of the knowledge and skills on a range of complex grade level content.
Grade 3 Math - Proficient - 1524-1545
Students who score at this level demonstrate thorough understanding of grade 3 mathematics. Some of the skills demonstrated may include: identifying the rules for arithmetic patterns; rounding whole numbers; multiplying 1-digit whole numbers by multiples of ten; applying strategies to fluently add and subtract whole numbers; understanding fractions and recognizing fractional equivalence; solving 2-step word problems using any of the four operations; generating real world equations and measurement problems in which symbols are used for the unknown value; generating real world equations and measurement problems; performing basic measurements; solving problems related to area; partitioning shapes into equal areas and relating them to unit fractions, and drawing and interpreting scaled data displays. Students at this level demonstrate mastery of the knowledge and skills of most grade level content.
Grade 3 Math - Approaching Proficient - 1510-1523
Students who score at this level demonstrate partial understanding of grade 3 mathematics. Some of the skills demonstrated may include: identifying place values of digits; multiplying 1-digit numbers; adding and subtracting whole numbers; identifying the fractions associated with partitioned shapes; solving 1-step word problems using all four operations; extending arithmetic patterns; comparing fractions with the same denominator; telling and writing time; measuring length to the nearest whole unit; finding perimeters of polygons; drawing and interpreting unit-scaled data displays. Students at this level may have gaps in knowledge and skills but are approaching mastery of some grade level content.
Grade 3 Math - Needs Support - 1400-1509
Students who score at this level demonstrate inconsistent understanding of grade 3 mathematics. Some of the skills demonstrated may include: adding or subtracting whole numbers up to 100; identifying place value to the hundreds place; identifying fractional parts; solving 1-step word problems using addition and subtraction; identifying rules in given patterns; recognizing subsequent terms as even or odd; recognizing standard and metric units of measure; partitioning symmetrical shapes; measuring by counting unit squares; and identifying the number of data points in a category on a picture graph or scaled bar graph. Students at this level need support to master the knowledge and skills of current grade level content.
Grade 4 English Language Arts - Advanced - 1612-1750
Students who score at this level demonstrate a high degree of consistency and accuracy when interacting with grade level literature and informational text. They summarize from a section, whole text, and across texts: main idea, supporting details, plot, or theme; and refer to details and examples when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing complex inferences. Students analyze authors’ purpose(s) within and across text(s). They demonstrate in depth understanding of figurative language and nuances in word meanings and explain in depth the meaning of simple similes and metaphors. When writing, students independently draft and revise text using advanced organizational structure, use complex sentences to include linking words or phrases to connect ideas, and select precise domain-specific language and details to communicate information or support an opinion on a particular topic. Students at this level demonstrate mastery of the knowledge and skills on a range of complex grade level content.
Grade 4 English Language Arts - Proficient - 1589-1611
Students who score at this level demonstrate consistency and accuracy when interacting with grade level literature and informational text. They summarize from a section or text as a whole: main idea, supporting details, plot, or theme; and refer to details and examples when drawing inferences and explaining explicit information from the text. Students identify author's purpose and connection of ideas within and across texts. Students use evidence to understand word meanings, clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases, demonstrate understanding of figurative language and nuances in word meanings, and explain the meaning of simple similes and metaphors. When writing, students draft and revise text in a logical organizational structure, use complete and correct sentences to include linking words or phrases to connect ideas, and use precise domain-specific language and details to communicate information or support an opinion on a particular topic. Students at this level demonstrate mastery of the knowledge and skills of most grade level content.
Grade 4 English Language Arts - Approaching Proficient - 1568-1588
Students who score at this level demonstrate limited consistency and accuracy when interacting with grade level literature and informational text. They use explicit text evidence to make logical conclusions, identify key details, make predictions, and identify obvious literary elements (e.g., plot, conflict, characterization, setting, theme). Students refer to details and examples when drawing basic inferences and explaining explicit information from the text. Students determine the meaning of unknown words and phrases, demonstrate basic understanding of figurative language and nuances in word meanings, and explain the meaning of simple similes or metaphors. When writing, students draft and revise text in a basic organizational structure, use simple and complete sentences with some linking words or phrases to connect ideas, and use some domain-specific language and details to communicate information or support an opinion on a particular topic. Students at this level may have gaps in knowledge and skills but are approaching mastery of some grade level content.
Grade 4 English Language Arts - Needs Support - 1410-1567
Students who score at this level demonstrate minimal consistency and accuracy when interacting with grade level literature and informational text. They recall details and make simple predictions, identify obvious fact and opinion, and locate an explicit main idea. Students state authors' obvious purpose and attempt to refer to details and examples in a text when explaining the information in the text. Students demonstrate emerging understanding of basic word meanings and use obvious context clues to understand word meanings. They attempt to determine or clarify the meaning of basic unknown words and explain the meaning of simple similes or metaphors. When writing, students require guidance and resources to draft and revise text in a basic organizational structure, use simple sentences with some linking words or phrases to connect ideas, and attempt to use some domain-specific language and details to communicate information or support an opinion on a particular topic. Students at this level need support to master the knowledge and skills of current grade level content.
Grade 4 Math - Advanced - 1558-1750
Students who score at this level demonstrate comprehensive understanding of grade 4 mathematics. Some of the skills demonstrated may include: explaining the difference between prime and composite numbers; identifying and evaluating strategies for operating with multi-digit whole numbers; using place value to explain multiplication algorithms; understanding, explaining, and representing fraction equivalence; writing and solving multi-step word problem equations using a letter for the variable; solving multi-step word problems involving fractions; solving multi-step word problems involving measurement conversion; drawing, defining, and interpreting properties of 2-D figures including angle measurements; and solving multi-step word problems involving data displays. Students at this level demonstrate mastery of the knowledge and skills on a range of complex grade level content.
Grade 4 Math - Proficient - 1538-1557
Students who score at this level demonstrate thorough understanding of grade 4 mathematics. Some of the skills demonstrated may include: explaining the difference between prime and composite numbers; finding and comparing factors and multiples; performing operations with multi-digit whole numbers; understanding and representing place value; explaining calculations when multiplying and dividing; understanding and using fraction equivalence; solving multi-step word problems and equations using a letter for the variable; solving word problems involving fractions; solving 1-step problems involving measurement conversion; drawing, identifying, and classifying properties of 2-D figures including angle measurements; solving 2-step problems involving data displays. Students at this level demonstrate mastery of the knowledge and skills of most grade level content.
Grade 4 Math - Approaching Proficient - 1524-1537
Students who score at this level demonstrate partial understanding of grade 4 mathematics. Some of the skills demonstrated may include: recognizing multiples and finding factor pairs; operating with whole numbers; rounding numbers to their greatest place value; comparing fractions with like numerators or denominators; recognizing whole number patterns in base ten; solving word problems involving adding and subtracting fractions with like denominators; solving word problems with letters used for variables in which division does not require interpretation of remainders; converting units of measurement; identifying angles with given measures or that fall in a given range of measures; identifying parallel or perpendicular sides in polygons; and solving problems involving addition and subtraction of whole number values when the values are labeled on a number line. Students at this level may have gaps in knowledge and skills but are approaching mastery of some grade level content.
Grade 4 Math - Needs Support - 1410-1523
Students who score at this level demonstrate inconsistent understanding of grade 4 mathematics. Some of the skills demonstrated may include: adding and subtracting problems with up to 3-digit whole numbers; using place value with numbers to 1,000; comparing two fractions between 0 and 1 using the symbols >, =, or <; solving two step word problems with simple multiplication facts; identifying factors of a number in the range 1-100; representing real world problems involving addition or subtraction of fractions using an equation; determining the next figure in a pattern; distinguishing between larger and smaller units of measurement; determining perimeters of rectangles when all sides are labeled; using tiles to calculate area; drawing points and line segments, recognizing symmetry in figures; and identifying a line plot with all tick marks present. Students at this level need support to master the knowledge and skills of current grade level content.
Grade 5 English Language Arts - Advanced - 1626-1780
Students who score at this level demonstrate a high degree of consistency and accuracy when interacting with grade level literature and informational text. They paraphrase from a section, whole text, and across texts: main idea, supporting details, plot, or theme; quote accurately and draw complex inferences from the text. Students analyze authors’ purpose(s) within and across text(s) and explain in depth how an author uses reasons and evidence to support particular points. Students clarify the meaning of unknown words and phrases, demonstrate in depth understanding of figurative language and nuances in word meanings, including similes and metaphors. When writing, students independently draft and revise text using advanced organizational structure, include an introduction, closure, and linking phrases, select precise domain-specific language, and include relevant details and evidence to communicate information or support an opinion on a particular topic. Students at this level demonstrate mastery of the knowledge and skills on a range of complex grade level content.
Grade 5 English Language Arts - Proficient - 1596-1625
Students who score at this level demonstrate consistency and accuracy when interacting with grade level literature and informational text. They summarize from a section or text as a whole: main idea, supporting details, plot, or theme; and refer to details when drawing inferences and explaining explicit information. Students quote accurately and explain how an author uses reasons and evidence to support particular points. Students use word structures such as affixes and roots to understand word meanings, demonstrate understanding of figurative language and nuances in word meanings, including similes and metaphors. When writing, students draft and revise text in a logical organizational structure, include an introduction, closure, and linking phrases, use precise domain-specific language, and include relevant details and evidence to communicate information or support an opinion on a particular topic. Students at this level demonstrate mastery of the knowledge and skills of most grade level content.
Grade 5 English Language Arts - Approaching Proficient - 1576-1595
Students who score at this level demonstrate limited consistency and accuracy when interacting with grade level literature and informational text. They use explicit text evidence to make logical predictions and conclusions, identify key details related to text, and identify some literary elements (e.g., plot, characterization, setting, theme). Students quote accurately when making basic inferences and they explain in simple terms how an author uses reasons and evidence to support a point. Students determine the meaning of some unknown words and phrases and interpret simple figurative language, including similes and metaphors. When writing, students draft and revise text in a basic organizational structure, attempt to include an introduction, closure, and linking phrases, use some domain-specific language, and include some details and evidence to communicate information or support an opinion on a particular topic. Students at this level may have gaps in knowledge and skills but are approaching mastery of some grade level content.
Grade 5 English Language Arts - Needs Support - 1420-1575
Students who score at this level demonstrate minimal consistency and accuracy when interacting with grade level literature and informational text. They recall details and make simple predictions, identify obvious fact and opinion, and locate an explicit main idea. Students state authors' obvious purpose and attempt to quote accurately when explaining information in the text. Students identify some reasons and evidence to support a point. Students locate obvious context clues to determine or clarify the meaning of basic unknown words, demonstrate emerging understanding of figurative language. When writing, students require guidance and resources to draft and revise text in a basic organizational structure that may include an introduction, closure, and linking phrases, attempt to use some domain-specific language, and include some details and evidence to communicate information or support an opinion on a particular topic. Students at this level need support to master the knowledge and skills of current grade level content.
Grade 5 Math - Advanced - 1577-1780
Students who score at this level demonstrate comprehensive understanding of grade 5 mathematics. Some of the skills demonstrated may include: writing, evaluating, and interpreting numerical expressions with multiple sets of parentheses; reading, writing, comparing, and performing all four operations with multi-digit numbers, decimals, and fractions; generating complex numerical patterns, translating them into ordered pairs, and plotting them on a coordinate plane; identifying and explaining errors in the placement of points on a coordinate plane given an ordered pair; calculating multi-step measurement conversions; identifying applications of perimeter, area, and volume; comparing and contrasting the attributes of two-dimensional figures; and making comparisons between data displayed in two line plots. Students at this level demonstrate mastery of the knowledge and skills on a range of complex grade level content.
Grade 5 Math - Proficient - 1544-1576
Students who score at this level demonstrate thorough understanding of grade 5 mathematics. Some of the skills demonstrated may include: writing, evaluating, and interpreting expressions with parentheses; comparing decimals to the thousandths; multiplying and dividing multi-digit whole numbers and decimals to the hundredths; solving problems involving fractions; generating numerical patterns from given rules; locating a point on a coordinate grid given a description of its location; calculating measurement conversions; distinguishing between perimeter, area, and volume; using hierarchy to identify properties of quadrilaterals; solving problems that require interpreting data presented in a line plot that uses fractions of a unit; and making calculations using multiple values in the data set, including computing the difference between the greatest and least value. Students at this level demonstrate mastery of the knowledge and skills of most grade level content.
Grade 5 Math - Approaching Proficient - 1531-1543
Students who score at this level demonstrate partial understanding of grade 5 mathematics. Some of the skills demonstrated may include: writing numerical expressions and applying parentheses; reading, writing, comparing, and multiplying decimals to the hundredths; solving problems involving addition and subtraction of fractions; multiplying a fraction by a whole number; identifying a rule for a given pattern; locating multiple points on a coordinate grid given their coordinates or a description of their location relative to the origin; constructing a line plot that represents a data set of measurements in fractions or mixed numbers; solving simple problems that require reading data presented in a line plot; and identifying the type of data that can be displayed on a line plot. Students at this level may have gaps in knowledge and skills but are approaching mastery of some grade level content.
Grade 5 Math - Needs Support - 1420-1530
Students who score at this level demonstrate inconsistent understanding of grade 5 mathematics. Some of the skills demonstrated may include: identifying the place value name for a given digit or decimal to the tenth; adding and subtracting decimals to the hundredth; using models to subtract unit fractions with unlike denominators; evaluating 1-step numerical expressions; identifying the next term in a pattern; locating a point on the coordinate plane given coordinates; calculating 1-step conversions of length; calculating a quantity using a formula, given all the needed measurements for the formula; finding the volume of rectangular prisms by counting unit cubes; classifying plane figures based on number of sides; and identifying a line plot among several data displays. Students at this level need support to master the knowledge and skills of current grade level content.
Grade 5 Science - Advanced - 673-800
The student displays a highly developed conceptual understanding by using science and engineering practices, crosscutting concepts, and an understanding of life science, physical science, and earth and space science disciplinary core ideas to make sense of phenomena and solve problems. For example, students can construct an argument that includes the interdependence of organisms in a changing environment; obtain and evaluate evidence from multiple sources to design a solution to a problem involving the transfer of energy; and use evidence to generate and evaluate multiple solutions that reduce the impacts of natural Earth processes on humans based on criteria and constraints.
Grade 5 Science - Proficient - 616-672
The student demonstrates a sufficient conceptual understanding by using science and engineering practices, crosscutting concepts, and an understanding of life science, physical science, and earth and space science disciplinary core ideas to make sense of phenomena and solve problems. For example, students can make a claim about the merit of a solution to a problem caused when an environment changes and affects the types of plants and animals that live there; plan and conduct an investigation that fairly tests a phenomenon involving the transfer of energy (e.g., moving objects, sound, light, heat, electric currents); and use evidence to design a possible solution to reduce the impacts of natural Earth processes on humans.
Grade 5 Science - Approaching Proficient - 580-615
The student shows a foundational understanding by using some science and engineering practices, crosscutting concepts, and a partial understanding of life science, physical science, and earth and space science disciplinary core ideas to make sense of phenomena and solve problems. For example, students can explain a cause-and-effect relationship between an environmental change and an organism responding to stimuli; describe the purpose of an investigation related to energy transfer (e.g., moving objects, sound, light, heat, electric currents); and use evidence to describe how natural Earth processes negatively impact humans.
Grade 5 Science - Needs Support - 400-579
The student shows a basic understanding by using science and engineering practices, crosscutting concepts, and/or a basic understanding of life science, physical science, and earth and space science disciplinary core ideas to make sense of phenomena and solve problems. For example, students can identify an environmental change that could impact a plant or an animal; identify examples showing a transfer of energy; and identify possible negative impacts to humans from a natural Earth process (e.g., earthquake, volcano, flood, landslide).
Grade 6 English Language Arts - Advanced - 1636-1800
Students who score at this level demonstrate a high degree of consistency and accuracy when interacting with grade level literature and informational text. They interpret implicit text evidence to quote accurately and make logical conclusions, draw inferences, analyze symbolism, and understand cause and effect relationships. They trace and evaluate in depth the argument and specific claims in a text, seeking claims that are supported by reasons and evidence. Students describe how word relationships, context, and structure lead to intended or precise word meaning. When writing, students independently draft and revise clear and coherent text that includes selective language and conventions, introduce and develop a topic using advanced organizational strategies, and include relevant details and clear evidence to engage a reader in narrative, informative, or opinion writing. Students at this level demonstrate mastery of the knowledge and skills on a range of complex grade level content.
Grade 6 English Language Arts - Proficient - 1605-1635
Students who score at this level demonstrate consistency and accuracy when interacting with grade level literature and informational text. They quote accurately and make logical conclusions, analyze symbolism, make generalizations and predictions, recall cause and effect relationships, and interpret authors’ purpose. Students summarize and cite evidence from a section of text or text as a whole to identify main idea, supporting details, plot, subject, or theme, make inferences and connections, and evaluate the argument and specific claims in a text. Students clarify the meaning of unknown words and phrases, demonstrate understanding of figurative language and interpret figures of speech. When writing, students draft and revise clear and coherent text that includes appropriate language and conventions, introduce and develop a topic using organizational strategies, and include relevant details and clear evidence to engage a reader in narrative, informative, or opinion writing. Students at this level demonstrate mastery of the knowledge and skills of most grade level content.
Grade 6 English Language Arts - Approaching Proficient - 1576-1604
Students who score at this level demonstrate limited consistency and accuracy when interacting with grade level literature and informational text. They use explicit text evidence to quote accurately and make logical conclusions, predictions, and inferences, identify simple cause and effect relationships, identify fact and opinion, and distinguish among literary elements (e.g., plot, characterization, setting, theme). Students use word structures to construct meaning (affixes and roots), determine the meaning of unknown and words and phrases, demonstrate understanding of figurative language and nuances in word meanings, and interpret common or familiar figures of speech. When writing, students draft and revise clear text that includes simple language and conventions, introduce and develop a topic using basic organizational strategies, and include some relevant details and evidence to engage a reader in narrative, informative, or opinion writing. Students at this level may have gaps in knowledge and skills but are approaching mastery of some grade level content.
Grade 6 English Language Arts - Needs Support - 1430-1575
Students who score at this level demonstrate minimal consistency and accuracy when interacting with grade level literature and informational text. They use explicit evidence to recall key details, make predictions, identify fact and opinion, and make comparisons among text features. Students attempt to cite text evidence to support a basic analysis or draw simple inferences from the text. Students attempt to use basic context clues to determine or clarify the meaning of basic unknown words, demonstrate emerging understanding of figurative language and nuances in word meanings, and interpret common or familiar figures of speech. When writing, students require guidance and support to draft and revise coherent text that includes simple language and conventions, may introduce and develop a topic using basic organizational strategies, and attempt to include some relevant details and evidence to engage a reader in narrative, informative, or opinion writing. Students at this level need support to master the knowledge and skills of current grade level content.
Grade 6 Math - Advanced - 1594-1800
Students who score at this level demonstrate comprehensive understanding of grade 6 mathematics. Some of the skills demonstrated may include: solving problems involving ratios and rates; interpreting and applying operations to rational numbers; identifying and explaining errors in the placement of points on a coordinate plane given an ordered pair; solving multi-digit multiplication and division of whole numbers, and explaining the quotient in the most reasonable method; reading, writing, evaluating, and comparing expressions with variables and exponents; interpreting expressions, equations, and inequalities; solving multi-step modeling problems that use nonnegative rational numbers; solving multistep word problems involving surface area, area, or volume; and determining and explaining appropriate measures of center and variability for given data. Students at this level demonstrate mastery of the knowledge and skills on a range of complex grade level content.
Grade 6 Math - Proficient - 1563-1593
Students who score at this level demonstrate thorough understanding of grade 6 mathematics. Some of the skills demonstrated may include: solving unit rate problems; applying operations to the system of rational numbers; identifying the location of points in the coordinate plane with positive and negative rational number coordinates, identifying and explaining the opposite of a number; multiplying and dividing multi-digit whole numbers, expressing the quotient as a whole number, decimal, or fraction, including the correct unit of the problem given the context; reading, writing, and evaluating expressions with variables and exponents; writing inequalities and equivalent expressions; solving real-world problems using nonnegative rational numbers; solving word problems involving surface area, area, and volume; and describing data in terms of shape, center, and spread. Students at this level demonstrate mastery of the knowledge and skills of most grade level content.
Grade 6 Math - Approaching Proficient - 1543-1562
Students who score at this level demonstrate partial understanding of grade 6 mathematics. Some of the skills demonstrated may include: using equivalent ratios to represent a percent of a quantity as a rate per 100; solving problems involving division of fractions; adding, subtracting, and multiplying whole numbers; ordering positive and negative integers and placing them on a number line; multiplying and dividing multi-digit whole numbers, expressing the quotient as a whole number, decimal, or fraction; reading, writing, and evaluating expressions with variables and writing equivalent expressions; solving a one-step equation requiring multiplication or division of a whole number; solving word problems involving surface area, area, and volume; and determining appropriate measures of center for given data. Students at this level may have gaps in knowledge and skills but are approaching mastery of some grade level content.
Grade 6 Math - Needs Support - 1430-1542
Students who score at this level demonstrate limited understanding of grade 6 mathematics. Some of the skills demonstrated may include: understanding and comparing rates and ratios; using equivalent fractions and decimals; solving problems involving addition and subtraction of fractions with like denominators; writing equivalent expressions by combining like terms; solving a one-step equation involving addition or subtraction of a whole number; solving word problems involving area and volume using whole numbers; determining appropriate measures of center for given data with whole numbers. Students at this level need support to master the knowledge and skills of current grade level content.
Grade 7 English Language Arts - Advanced - 1645-1820
Students who score at this level demonstrate a high degree of consistency and accuracy when interacting with grade level literature and informational text. They interpret implicit text evidence to quote accurately and make logical conclusions, draw inferences, analyze symbolism, and understand complex cause and effect relationships. They trace and evaluate in depth the argument and specific claims in a text, seeking claims that are supported by reasons and evidence. Students describe how word relationships, context, and structure lead to implied, intended or precise word meanings. When writing, students independently draft and revise clear and coherent text that includes selective language and conventions, introduce and preview a topic using advanced organizational strategies and text features, establish significant relationships between ideas, and develop claims with clear evidence to engage a reader in narrative, informative, or opinion writing. Students at this level demonstrate mastery of the knowledge and skills on a range of complex grade level content.
Grade 7 English Language Arts - Proficient - 1610-1644
Students who score at this level demonstrate consistency and accuracy when interacting with grade level literature and informational text. They quote accurately, make logical conclusions, draw inferences, analyze symbolism, recall cause and effect relationships, and interpret authors’ purpose. Students cite text evidence to identify main idea, supporting details, plot, and theme, make connections across texts, and evaluate the argument and claims. Students seek evidence to clarify the meaning of unknown words and phrases, demonstrate understanding of figurative language and nuances in word meanings, and interpret figures of speech. When writing, students draft and revise clear and coherent text that includes accurate language and appropriate conventions, introduce and preview a topic using organizational strategies and text features, establish relationships between ideas, and develop claims with clear evidence to engage a reader in narrative, informative, or opinion writing. Students at this level demonstrate mastery of the knowledge and skills of most grade level content.
Grade 7 English Language Arts - Approaching Proficient - 1584-1609
Students who score at this level demonstrate limited consistency and accuracy when interacting with grade level literature and informational text. They use explicit text evidence to quote accurately, make logical conclusions, draw inferences, identify simple cause and effect relationships, and distinguish among literary elements (e.g., plot, characterization, setting, theme). Students use word structures to construct meaning (affixes and roots), determine the meaning of unknown words and phrases, demonstrate understanding of figurative language, and interpret common figures of speech. When writing, students draft and revise clear text that includes simple language and conventions, introduce and preview a topic using basic organizational strategies and text features, attempt to establish relationships between ideas, and develop claims with some evidence to engage a reader in narrative, informative, or opinion writing. Students at this level may have gaps in knowledge and skills but are approaching mastery of some grade level content.
Grade 7 English Language Arts - Needs Support - 1440-1583
Students who score at this level demonstrate minimal consistency and accuracy when interacting with grade level literature and informational text. They recall key details and make predictions based on explicit text, identify fact and opinion, and general plotlines. Students attempt to cite evidence to support a basic analysis of information from the text or inferences drawn from the text. Students use basic context clues to understand word meanings, demonstrate emerging understanding of figurative language and nuances in word meanings, and interpret common figures of speech. When writing, students require guidance and resources to draft and revise coherent text that includes simple language and conventions, may introduce and preview a topic using basic organizational strategies and text features, attempt to establish relationships between ideas, and develop some claims with some evidence to engage a reader in narrative, informative, or opinion writing. Students at this level need support to master the knowledge and skills of current grade level content.
Grade 7 Math - Advanced - 1609-1820
Students who score at this level demonstrate comprehensive understanding of grade 7 mathematics. Some of the skills demonstrated may include: interpreting proportional relationships; converting interchangeably between decimals, fractions, and percent; using rational numbers to solve multi-step problems; creating multiple equivalent linear expressions with one or more variables, which may involve distribution of a negative sign or fraction; creating inequalities with rational coefficients to solve real world or mathematical problems; analyzing properties of geometric figures; solving complex problems involving geometric measurements; drawing interpretive inferences about multiple populations; and calculating an approximate number of times an event is expected to occur given the number of each object in the sample space and the total number of trials. Students at this level demonstrate mastery of the knowledge and skills on a range of complex grade level content.
Grade 7 Math - Proficient - 1570-1608
Students who score at this level demonstrate thorough understanding of grade 7 mathematics. Some of the skills demonstrated may include: analyzing proportional relationships and solving problems with percentages; converting a percent into a fraction or decimal; operating with rational numbers with fluency; creating an equivalent linear expression with one or more variables which may involve distribution with rational coefficients; creating inequalities with integers or decimals, to solve real world or mathematical problems; describing and constructing geometric figures; solving problems involving geometric measurements; making an inference about a population with an unknown characteristic of interest; and calculating an approximate number of times an event is expected to occur given the probability of an event and the total number of trials. Students at this level demonstrate mastery of the knowledge and skills on a range of complex grade level content.
Grade 7 Math - Approaching Proficient - 1551-1569
Students who score at this level demonstrate partial understanding of grade 7 mathematics. Some of the skills demonstrated may include: adding and subtracting rational numbers; converting between a fraction and a decimal; adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing integers; applying the distributive property when all coefficients are integers; identifying equations with integers or decimals, to solve real world problems; describing the vertices, edges, and faces of simple geometric figures; measuring the area and perimeter of basic geometric shapes; and calculating the probability of an event when the sample space contains only identical objects. Students at this level may have gaps in knowledge and skills but are approaching mastery of some grade level content.
Grade 7 Math - Needs Support - 1440-1550
Students who score at this level demonstrate minimal understanding of grade 7 mathematics. Some of the skills demonstrated may include: recognizing the numerical relationship between a fraction and its decimal equivalent; finding the sum or difference of two rational numbers with like denominators; creating and evaluating expressions involving addition and subtraction of whole numbers; creating equations with one variable to represent a real world situation; identifying geometric figures as polygons or solid figures; measuring area and perimeter of basic geometric shapes; and calculating the probability of an event when the sample space contains a single object. Students at this level need support to master the knowledge and skills of current grade level content.
Grade 8 English Language Arts - Advanced - 1652-1840
Students who score at this level demonstrate a high degree of consistency and accuracy when interacting with grade level literature and informational text. They interpret implicit text evidence to quote accurately, make logical conclusions, draw inferences, analyze symbolism, and understand complex cause and effect relationships. Students evaluate in depth the argument and specific claims in a text, assessing whether the evidence is relevant and sufficient. Students describe how word relationships, context, and structure lead to implied, intended or precise word meanings. When writing, students independently draft and revise clear, coherent, and engaging text that includes selective language and conventions, use advanced organizational strategies and text features to convey meaning, clarify relationships between ideas, and develop claims with clear evidence to convey information or support a well-constructed argument. Students at this level demonstrate mastery of the knowledge and skills on a range of complex grade level content.
Grade 8 English Language Arts - Proficient - 1615-1651
Students who score at this level demonstrate limited consistency and accuracy when interacting with grade level literature and informational text. They use explicit text evidence to quote accurately, make logical conclusions, draw inferences, identify simple cause and effect relationships, identify fact and opinion, and distinguish among literary elements (e.g., plot, characterization, setting, theme). Students use word structures to construct meaning (affixes and roots), determine the meaning of unknown words and phrases, demonstrate understanding of figurative language, and interpret common figures of speech. When writing, students draft and revise clear and engaging text that includes simple language and conventions, use basic organizational strategies and text features to convey meaning, attempt to clarify relationships between ideas, and develop claims with some evidence to convey information or support a well-constructed argument. Students at this level may have gaps in knowledge and skills but are approaching mastery of some grade level content.
Grade 8 English Language Arts - Approaching Proficient - 1587-1614
Students who score at this level demonstrate minimal consistency and accuracy when interacting with grade level literature and informational text. They recall key details, identify general plotlines, make predictions, draw inferences, and identify fact and opinion in explicit text. Students attempt to cite evidence that supports a basic analysis of the explicit information from the text. Students attempt to determine or clarify the meaning of basic unknown words, demonstrate emerging understanding of figurative language and nuances in word meanings, and interpret common figures of speech. When writing, students require guidance and resources to draft and revise coherent text that includes simple language and conventions, may use basic organizational strategies and text features to convey meaning, attempt to clarify relationships between ideas, and develop some claims with some evidence to convey information or support a well-constructed argument. Students at this level need support to master the knowledge and skills of current grade level content.
Grade 8 English Language Arts - Needs Support - 1450-1586
Students who score at this level demonstrate minimal consistency and accuracy when interacting with grade level literature and informational text. They recall key details, identify general plotlines, make predictions, draw inferences, and identify fact and opinion in explicit text. Students attempt to cite evidence that supports a basic analysis of the explicit information from the text. Students attempt to determine or clarify the meaning of basic unknown words, demonstrate emerging understanding of figurative language and nuances in word meanings, and interpret common figures of speech. When writing, students require guidance and resources to draft and revise coherent text that includes simple language and conventions, may use basic organizational strategies and text features to convey meaning, attempt to clarify relationships between ideas, and develop some claims with some evidence to convey information or support a well-constructed argument. Students at this level need support to master the knowledge and skills of current grade level content.
Grade 8 Math - Advanced - 1623-1840
Students who score at this level demonstrate comprehensive understanding of grade 8 mathematics. Some of the skills demonstrated may include: classifying between rational and irrational numbers; writing fractions to represent repeating decimals; converting interchangeably between decimals, fractions, and percent; interpreting properties of integer exponents and scientific notation; solving systems of linear equations and identifying those with zero, one, or infinitely many solutions; creating a graph to represent linear relationships; characterizing different types of functions; applying the Pythagorean Theorem; using volume formulas; analyzing the equation of the line of best fit to make and justify predictions; and determining the equation for a line of best fit for a scatter plot. Students at this level demonstrate mastery of the knowledge and skills on a range of complex grade level content.
Grade 8 Math - Proficient - 1580-1622
Students who score at this level demonstrate thorough understanding of grade 8 mathematics. Some of the skills demonstrated may include: interpreting irrational numbers as nonrepeating and nonterminating decimals or as constants such as π (pi); approximating irrational numbers; converting a percent into a fraction or a decimal; applying properties of integer exponents; solving linear equations and systems of linear equations; creating a graph to represent linear relationships described verbally, by a slope-intercept equation, or by a table of values; defining, comparing, and using functions that model linear relationships; understanding and applying the Pythagorean Theorem, volume formulas, and properties of triangles and angles; interpreting the meaning of the correlation coefficient; and identifying an equation for a line of best fit for given data in a scatter plot. Students at this level demonstrate mastery of the knowledge and skills of most grade level content.
Grade 8 Math - Approaching Proficient - 1559-1579
Students who score at this level demonstrate partial understanding of grade 8 mathematics. Some of the skills demonstrated may include: classifying rational numbers and irrational numbers based on the decimal expansion; converting between a fraction and decimal; expressing quantities using integer exponents; understanding the meaning of equations with two variables and using them to solve problems; creating a graph to represent linear relationships described by a slope-intercept equation where slopes are whole numbers; distinguishing between linear and nonlinear functions; identifying congruence and similarity via transformations; applying the Pythagorean Theorem; interpreting the meaning of the intercept of a linear model that represents bivariate quantitative data; and explaining why one line is a better fit that another to data in a scatter plot. Students at this level may have gaps in knowledge and skills but are approaching mastery of some grade level content.
Grade 8 Math - Needs Support - 1450-1558
Students who score at this level demonstrate inconsistent understanding of grade 8 mathematics. Some of the skills demonstrated may include: recognizing that irrational numbers are different from rational numbers; converting between decimals and percents; understanding exponents as repeated multiplication; representing whole numbers in scientific notation; finding the slope of a line using a graph; identifying whether a relation is a function; recognizing congruence and similarity; using manipulatives to demonstrate that shapes are congruent by performing a single transformation; finding the hypotenuse in a right triangle with sides whose lengths are whole numbers that are Pythagorean triples; interpreting the meaning of the slope of a linear model that represents bivariate quantitative data; identifying a graph that represents a line of best fit for data in a scatter plot. Students at this level need support to master the knowledge and skills of current grade level content.
Grade 8 Science - Advanced - 656-800
The student displays a highly developed conceptual understanding by using science and engineering practices, crosscutting concepts, and an understanding of life science, physical science, and earth and space science disciplinary core ideas to make sense of phenomena and solve problems. For example, students can use reasoning and evidence of interactions within an ecosystem to predict future interactions based on patterns; plan an investigation to provide evidence that the change in an object’s motion depends on specific variables, such as the initial motion of the object, the total forces acting on the object, and the mass of the object; and develop and use a model of the Earth-Sun system, including Earth’s atmospheric circulation and tilt, to describe the cyclic patterns of seasons (with emphasis on how community locations can affect seasonal severity in Alaska).
Grade 8 Science - Proficient - 613-655
The student demonstrates a sufficient conceptual understanding by using science and engineering practices, crosscutting concepts, and an understanding of life science, physical science, and earth and space science disciplinary core ideas to make sense of phenomena and solve problems. For example, students can make sense of phenomena related to resource availability and patterns of interactions among organisms, organism abundance, and nonliving parts of an ecosystem; conduct an investigation involving the change in motion of an object and gather evidence identifying various factors affecting the object’s motion (with emphasis on Newton’s first and second laws); and develop and use a model of the Earth-Sun system, including Earth’s tilt, to describe the cyclic patterns of seasons (with emphasis on examples of seasonal severity in Alaska).
Grade 8 Science - Approaching Proficient - 586-612
The student shows a foundational understanding by using some science and engineering practices, crosscutting concepts, and a partial understanding of life science, physical science, and earth and space science disciplinary core ideas to make sense of phenomena and solve problems. For example, students can analyze and interpret patterns and make connections between resource availability and organism abundance, use mathematical thinking to explain how changes in an object’s motion can be due to the degree of balanced or unbalanced forces acting on the object as well as the mass of the object, and use a model of the Earth-Sun system to explain how seasons occur.
Grade 8 Science - Needs Support - 400-585
The student shows a basic understanding by using science and engineering practices, crosscutting concepts, and/or a basic understanding of life science, physical science, and earth and space science disciplinary core ideas to make sense of phenomena and solve problems. For example, students can describe how a change in resource availability can result in changes in a population of organisms, use information from a model to recognize that an object subjected to balanced forces does not change its velocity, and use a simple model to explain how seasons occur.
Grade 9 English Language Arts - Advanced - 1668-1850
Students who score at this level demonstrate a high degree of consistency and accuracy when interacting with grade level literature and informational text. They quote accurately, draw conclusions, analyze symbolism, and interpret cause and effect relationships. Students analyze themes and literary elements of multiple texts, including seminal U.S. and world texts, evaluating arguments, assessing reasoning and relevance, and identifying conflicting information. Students clarify the meaning of unknown words and phrases, demonstrate in depth understanding of figurative language and nuances in word meanings, and interpret uncommon figures of speech. When writing, students independently draft and revise clear, coherent, organized, and engaging text that includes selective language and conventions, convey complex relationships between ideas and concepts clearly and accurately, make and support precise claims, and use advanced reasoning and evidence to analyze a substantive topic. Students at this level demonstrate mastery of the knowledge and skills of most grade level content.
Grade 9 English Language Arts - Proficient - 1619-1667
Students who score at this level demonstrate consistency and accuracy when interacting with grade level literature and informational text. They use text evidence to draw conclusions, make inferences, analyze symbolism, and identify cause and effect relationships. Students determine themes and literary elements of multiple texts, including seminal U.S. and world texts, to make meaning and evaluate arguments, assessing whether the evidence is relevant and sufficient. Students clarify the meaning of unknown words and phrases, demonstrate understanding of figurative language and nuances in word meanings, and interpret uncommon figures of speech. When writing, students draft and revise clear, coherent, organized, and engaging text that includes well-chosen language and appropriate conventions, convey complex relationships between ideas and concepts clearly and accurately, make and support precise claims, and use valid reasoning and sufficient evidence to analyze a substantive topic. Students at this level demonstrate mastery of the knowledge and skills of most grade level content.
Grade 9 English Language Arts - Approaching Proficient - 1590-1618
Students who score at this level demonstrate limited consistency and accuracy when interacting with grade level literature and informational text. They use explicit text evidence to draw basic conclusions, make inferences and predictions, and identify cause and effect relationships. Students identify themes and literary elements of multiple texts, including seminal U.S. and world texts, to make meaning and evaluate arguments, citing relevant evidence. Students clarify the meaning of unknown words and phrases, demonstrate understanding of figurative language and nuances in word meanings, and interpret unfamiliar figures of speech. When writing, students draft and revise clear, organized, and engaging text that includes simple language and conventions, attempt to convey relationships between ideas and concepts, and make and support claims using reasoning and evidence to analyze a topic. Students at this level may have gaps in knowledge and skills but are approaching mastery of some grade level content.
Grade 9 English Language Arts - Needs Support - 1450-1589
Students who score at this level demonstrate minimal consistency and accuracy when interacting with grade level literature and informational text. They use text evidence to support basic conclusions, make inferences and predictions, and identify cause and effect relationships. Students attempt to identify themes and literary elements of multiple texts, making meaning and citing relevant evidence. Students clarify the meaning of unknown words and phrases, demonstrate emerging understanding of figurative language and nuances in word meanings, and interpret common figures of speech. When writing, students require guidance and resources to draft and revise coherent, organized, and engaging text that includes simple language and conventions, may attempt to convey relationships between ideas and concepts, and make and support some claims using reasoning and evidence to analyze a topic. Students at this level need support to master the knowledge and skills of current grade level content.
Grade 9 Math - Advanced - 1626-1850
Students who score at this level demonstrate comprehensive understanding of grade 9 mathematics. Some of the skills demonstrated may include: referencing mathematical properties; rewriting complex expressions involving fractional powers with the same base; creating, solving, and graphing linear, exponential, and quadratic equations and inequalities in one variable; creating a system of linear inequalities that represents a real world scenario; multiplying polynomials where at least one is a binomial and the other is 3 or more terms; writing an equation that represents an exponential function; identifying domain and range of a function given as an equation; comparing and combining functions to solve problems; analyzing the intercept and slope of a linear model in terms of the context given the graph of the line; and describing the fit of a linear model on a scatter plot. Students at this level demonstrate mastery of the knowledge and skills on a range of complex grade level content.
Grade 9 Math - Proficient - 1590-1625
Students who score at this level demonstrate thorough understanding of grade 9 mathematics. Some of the skills demonstrated may include: choosing appropriate quantities and units to solve problems; rewriting expressions involving fractional powers or radicals; identifying, solving, and graphing a system of linear inequalities that represent a real world scenario; writing an exponential equation that represents a real world scenario; multiplying binomials; identifying an equation that matches a verbal description of an exponential function; identifying domain and range of a function given in a graph, table, map, or list; interpreting key features of function graphs and identifying variables of interest; interpreting the intercept and slope of a linear model in terms of the context given the graph of the line; identifying or creating an equation for the line of best fit. Students at this level demonstrate mastery of the knowledge and skills of most grade level content.
Grade 9 Math - Approaching Proficient - 1564-1589
Students who score at this level demonstrate partial understanding of grade 9 mathematics. Some of the skills demonstrated may include: choosing appropriate unit scales for graphical displays; rewriting expressions involving integer powers with the same base; creating and solving a system of linear equations or inequalities with integer coefficients that represent a real world scenario; multiplying simple binomials; identifying equations that match a simple verbal description; determining whether a relation is a function from a given graph of the relation; understanding domain and range of a function; evaluating functions for given inputs; identifying the constant difference for linear functions and the growth factor for exponential functions; identifying a line of best fit for a scatter plot. Students at this level may have gaps in knowledge and skills but are approaching mastery of some grade level content.
Grade 9 Math - Needs Support - 1450-1563
Students who score at this level demonstrate limited understanding of grade 9 mathematics. Some of the skills demonstrated may include: identifying unit scales on a coordinate plane; rewriting simple expressions involving integer powers; creating and solving equations or inequalities that represent a real world scenario; recognizing appropriate models for exponential functions; identifying variables that influence a function given the graph; identifying slope as rate of change for linear functions and the growth factor for exponential functions; understanding simple input and output of a function; identifying a basic line of best fit for a scatter plot. Students at this level need support to master the knowledge and skills of current grade level content.
Grade 10 Science - Advanced - 642-800
The student displays a highly developed conceptual understanding by using science and engineering practices, crosscutting concepts, and an understanding of life science and physical science disciplinary core ideas to make sense of phenomena and solve problems. For example, students can compare models illustrating photosynthesis and cellular respiration to analyze the differences in how they cycle matter between the biosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, and geosphere; prioritize the criteria and make trade-offs as necessary to further reduce environmental impact and loss of biodiversity while still addressing the needs of humans within the environment; predict the relative change in the wavelength of a wave when it moves from one medium to another, resulting in different wave speeds based on the mathematical relationship v = f λ, and express that relative change in terms of cause (different media) and effect (different wavelengths but same frequency); and make and refine predictions based on kinetic molecular theory about how forward and reverse rates of reactions will be affected by changes in the conditions of a reaction at equilibrium.
Grade 10 Science - Proficient - 601-641
The student demonstrates a sufficient conceptual understanding by using science and engineering practices, crosscutting concepts, and an understanding of life science and physical science disciplinary core ideas to make sense of phenomena and solve problems. For example, students can develop a model to illustrate the role of photosynthesis and cellular respiration in the cycling of carbon between the biosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, and geosphere; design, evaluate, and refine a solution for reducing the impacts of human activities on the environment and biodiversity; use mathematical representations to qualitatively support a claim regarding relationships among the frequency, wavelength, and speed of waves traveling in various media; and make arguments based on kinetic molecular theory to explain how altering conditions affects the forward and reverse rates of a reaction at equilibrium.
Grade 10 Science - Approaching Proficient - 571-600
The student shows a foundational understanding by using science and engineering practices, crosscutting concepts, and an understanding of life science and physical science disciplinary core ideas to make sense of phenomena and solve problems. For example, students can describe the role of photosynthesis and cellular respiration in the cycling of carbon between the biosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, and geosphere; identify solutions for reducing the impacts of human activities on the environment and biodiversity; identify mathematical representations that qualitatively support a claim regarding relationships among the frequency, wavelength, and speed of waves traveling in various media; and refer to aspects of kinetic molecular theory to explain how altering a condition of a reaction affects the forward and/or reverse rate of the reaction at equilibrium.
Grade 10 Science - Needs Support - 400-570
The student shows a basic understanding by using science and engineering practices, crosscutting concepts, and an understanding of life science and physical science disciplinary core ideas to make sense of phenomena and solve problems. For example, students can recognize the role of photosynthesis and cellular respiration in the movement of carbon between different spheres on Earth; identify the impacts of human activities on the environment and biodiversity; identify that waves travel at different speeds through solids, liquids, and gases and that higher-frequency waves have shorter wavelengths; and identify that a reaction can move in both forward and reverse directions.