- Cama-i, quyana tailuci!
- (Central Yup’ik)
- "Greetings, thank you for coming!"
Mental Health Trust Authority releases landscape assessment of mental health supports in Alaska Schools

Wednesday the Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority released a landscape assessment report examining current mental health supports within Alaska’s school districts.
Thirty-one districts participated in interviews that informed the landscape assessment. I nterviews focused on areas of inquiry including student and staff mental health concerns; general practices of supportive school climates; mental health resources, services, and supports; barriers to providing supports; and ideal systems.
The study was funded by the Trust and conducted in coordination with DEED, the Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, and in partnership with school districts across Alaska.
The report will also inform the second phase of research planned for later this year that will investigate community partnerships and policies supporting mental health needs of students and families, and indicators of behavioral health needs in Alaska schools.
You can access the complete “Mental Health Supports in Alaska Schools, A Landscape Assessment” and accompanying school district profiles on the Trust webpage, alaskamentalhealthtrust.org.