- Cama-i, quyana tailuci!
- (Central Yup’ik)
- "Greetings, thank you for coming!"
Legislative Resources
Alaska Department of Education and Early Development (DEED)
Main website for the Department of Education and Early Development (DEED): https://education.alaska.gov/
Alaska Commission on Postsecondary Education (ACPE)
The Alaska Commission on Postsecondary Education (ACPE), funded by the Alaska Student Loan Corporation (ASLC), promotes access to and success in education and career training beyond high school. It also increases Alaska’s physician workforce by providing public medical education to Alaskans, residency training for medical school graduates (WWAMI Medical Education), Alaska Performance Scholarship Awards, and the Alaska Student Loan Corporation.
Website: https://acpesecure.alaska.gov/
Alaska Libraries, Archives & Museums
The mission of the Division of Libraries, Archives, and Museums is to promote lifelong learning for all Alaskans through Alaska’s diverse history, art, and culture. It provides access to government information, collects, organizes, preserves, and makes available materials documenting the state's history, and promotes the development of libraries, archives, and museums statewide.
Website: https://lam.alaska.gov/home
Alaska Digital Library and Statewide Library Electronic Doorway (SLED)
Alaska’s digital libraries and SLED databases offer a broad range of research and learning resources.
Website: https://adl.overdrive.com/ | https://sled.alaska.edu/
Alaska State Museum and Sheldon Jackson Museum
The Alaska State Museum and Sheldon Jackson Museum offer exhibitions, events, and educational resources highlighting Alaska’s cultural heritage.
Website: https://lam.alaska.gov/asm-events
Alaska Standards
The State of Alaska has adopted standards in content areas such as arts, computer science, cultural, digital literacy, English language arts, and mathematics. The standards are available online.
Website: https://education.alaska.gov/standards
Alaska’s Education Challenge
DEED's strategic plan outlines five priorities:
- Support all students to read at grade level by the end of third grade
- Increase career, technical, and culturally relevant education
- Close the achievement gap
- Prepare, attract, and retain effective education professionals
- Improve the safety and well-being of students
Website: https://education.alaska.gov/akedchallenge
Alaska Reads Act and Strategic Reading Plan
Alaska’s Strategic Reading Plan outlines a six-step approach to improve reading across the state. The Alaska Reads Act created four new programs focused on early education and reading interventions.
Website: https://education.alaska.gov/akreads
Career and Technical Training
Career Technical Education (CTE) programs prepare students by integrating core academics with real-world relevance, leading to postsecondary success.
Website: https://education.alaska.gov/cte
Child Nutrition Program
Alaska’s Child Nutrition Programs ensure schools provide quality nutrition for children, including initiatives like the National School Lunch Program and the Alaska Farm to School Program.
Website: https://education.alaska.gov/cnp
COVID Relief Funding Resources
Resources for schools and families impacted by the pandemic, including a COVID funding dashboard.
Website: https://education.alaska.gov/covid-19-information
Data Center
DEED’s Data Management Team provides reports on enrollment, graduation rates, special education data, school facilities, and more.
Website: https://education.alaska.gov/data-center
Early Learning
Supports and grants for early learning programs serving children aged 3-5, including the Pre-Elementary Program and the Alaska Reads Act's Early Education Program.
Website: https://education.alaska.gov/earlylearning
ESEA Federal Programs
The Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) provides support to schools and districts in raising academic achievement, particularly for disadvantaged students.
Website: https://education.alaska.gov/esea
DEED’s Facilities section manages state-funded capital projects for schools, providing guidance on school planning, construction, and operations.
Website: https://education.alaska.gov/facilities
The Grants Team oversees the reimbursement of state and federal programs. Resources include grant management systems and fiscal forms.
Website: https://education.alaska.gov/grants
Head Start
Head Start promotes school readiness for children from low-income families by supporting comprehensive services such as health, nutrition, and parent involvement.
Website: https://education.alaska.gov/headstart
Mount Edgecumbe High School
Mount Edgecumbe High School is a public boarding school serving over 400 students from Alaska’s villages and communities.
Website: https://www.mehs.us/
Professional Teaching Practices Commission (PTPC)
The PTPC enhances the professional performance of educators to ensure the best education for Alaska’s students.
Website: https://education.alaska.gov/ptpc
Teacher Certification
DEED’s Teacher Certification office grants certifications and supports the strategic priority of ensuring high-quality educators for Alaska's children.
Website: https://education.alaska.gov/teachercertification
Teacher of the Year Program
The Alaska Teacher of the Year (TOY) Program recognizes the accomplishments and professionalism of teachers within Alaskan schools.
Website: https://education.alaska.gov/recognitionprograms/TOY