- Cama-i, quyana tailuci!
- (Central Yup’ik)
- "Greetings, thank you for coming!"
Content Area Examinations
Content area examinations are required for the Initial 2-3 Year, Professional, and Master teaching certificates. Additionally, applicants can add endorsements to two and five based on a content area test and two years’ teaching experience in the associated content area. This option is not available for Reading, Special Education, or Developmental Areas.
The current exams, along with historical exams, are listed below. Historical exams are no longer available but are still honored. (Per 4 AAC 12.407 Content Area Exam)
Test codes in the 5000 series are computer delivered formats of paper delivered tests in the 0000 series. Example: test 5017 is the computer delivered version of test 0017
NOTE: Applicants who have already passed content area exam(s) in another state may upload a copy of the score report(s) in the TEACH-AK application.
Current Exams Available
American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages
Oral Proficiency Review AND Written Proficiency Test is available for world languages other than Chinese (Mandarin), French German and Spanish.
Advanced low-level or higher on both tests 4 AAC 12.407(e)
Submitting Results
Applicants who have taken the Praxis II may submit a copy of the original score report from Education Testing Services (ETS).
Applicants who have already passed a content area exam(s) in another state may submit a copy of the score report(s) with the application.
Alaska Reads Act Educator Qualifications
ETS Praxis II Teaching Reading (5204)
Required Minimum Score: 159
ETS Praxis II Teaching Reading: Elementary (5205)
Required Minimum Score: 159
ETS Praxis II Teaching Reading: K-12 (5206)
Required Minimum Score: 156
Pearson Foundation of Reading
Required Minimum Score: 240