- Cama-i, quyana tailuci!
- (Central Yup’ik)
- "Greetings, thank you for coming!"
Multicultural Education/Cross-Cultural Communication Coursework Requirement
Approved Courses Effective Date: April 14, 2023
The multicultural education/cross-cultural communication courses listed below meet the initial teacher certification requirements of AS 14.20.020(h) and 4 AAC 12.075(b). If a course offered by an Alaska college or university does not appear on this list, it is not approved to satisfy the certification requirements. Courses are subject to availability and may be offered at branch campuses or by distance delivery (correspondence). Please contact the institution directly with questions about availability, content, or enrollment.
Courses taken to satisfy the Alaska Multicultural coursework requirement can also be used to satisfy the recency credit requirement for certification.
Multicultural Education: The study of the meaning of culture, and the relationship and influences between culture and education, with specific study of the teaching, administration, and effectiveness of schooling as they relate to multicultural student populations in Alaska.
Cross-Cultural Communications: An interdisciplinary examination of communication and language in a cross-cultural education situation, with specific study of the language, literacy, and interethnic communications of children and cultures of Alaska.