- Cama-i, quyana tailuci!
- (Central Yup’ik)
- "Greetings, thank you for coming!"
Student Readiness
The following resources were created to help prepare students and schools for the AK STAR English language arts (ELA) and mathematics assessments. All resources are available to students, educators, parents, and community members. DEED encourages everyone to utilize these tools to become familiar with the format of the AK STAR assessments.
Educator Guide to AK STAR Student Readiness
AK STAR Student Tutorial
The AK STAR Student Tutorial is a video resource to familiarize students with the AK STAR assessment platform features.
- Teachers are encouraged to use the tutorial as a whole-group introduction or to assign students to individually view the tutorial (with headphones).
- Families are encouraged to view with their children in preparation for the assessments.
- Spring 2025 Student Tutorial
AK STAR Practice Tests
Practice tests are available for all grades 3-9 in both ELA and mathematics, with 26-30 items per practice test with all item types represented. Practice items with ASL and text-to-speech accommodation tools are available. Separate practice tests containing a single constructed response item are available for each grade.
The practice test answer keys are located in the Educator Guide to AK STAR Student Readiness.

Learn More
Accommodations and Student Supports
Contact Us
Assessments Administrator
AK STAR Assessment Coordinator
NWEA Customer Service
866.384.5415 (6am - 4pm AKST, Monday - Friday)