- Cama-i, quyana tailuci!
- (Central Yup’ik)
- "Greetings, thank you for coming!"
School Recognition and Support
Below you will find the documents and resources used to create school improvement plans that will not only keep schools and districts in compliance with ESSA regulations but also assist in the creation of viable, research and data-backed plans that will see schools through the next few years of planning and implementation.
Quarterly Progress Monitoring Form
For schools in the Empowerment Process, Quarterly Progress Reports are required by the state. This progress monitoring is intended to ensure the School Improvement Plan stays on track as well as create an awareness of actions and responsibilities of members. The template for the School Improvement Quarterly Progress Monitoring form will be uploaded for school use in August.
• Quarter 1 Progress Monitoring due September 30, 2024
• Quarter 2 Progress Monitoring due December 31, 2024
• Quarter 3 Progress Monitoring due March 31, 2025
• End of Year Progress Monitoring and revisions to School Improvement Plan due May 30, 2025 (submitted to Required Documents in GMS FY26 Application)
SCLT Team Building |
Needs Assessment |
Bringing It Together |
Plan Creation |
*Budget template available for school budget plans to be shared with district and ultimately put into GMS
Alaska Designated Schools list
Accountability System for successful schools
School Improvement is part of the ESEA monitoring process the department conducts. Within the ESEA Monitoring Form, found on the ESEA Web Page linked above, the School Improvement indicators are Title I-A 35 and 36. Districts being monitored will provide the department with various artifacts and evidence to show how the district and schools are carrying out the requirements outlined in the ESEA Monitoring Form. Examples of documentation districts and schools submit include, but are not limited to, evidence of stakeholder input (e.g., meeting notices, sign-in sheets, meeting minutes), current plans, and evidence of implementation of plan.
District success stories
Fairbanks North Star Borough - Using Data to Support Sustainable School Improvement

SRS Administrator
Brittnay Bailey: 907-269-6754
SRS Associate
CLSD Program Manager
Hollins Emili: 907-269-6757
School Improvement Manager
Christy Roe: 907-269-6767
Empowerment Specialists
Evan Hummel: 907-269-3593
Kevin Dennis: 907-269-6871
Kristie Parsons: 907-269-6815
Tina Peyerk: 907-465-6674
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