- Cama-i, quyana tailuci!
- (Central Yup’ik)
- "Greetings, thank you for coming!"
Bulletins and Memos CACFP
The documents below are in pdf, unless noted otherwise.
2025-05 CACFP Bulletin
2025-04 CACFP Bulletin
2025-03 CACFP Bulletin
2025-02 CACFP Bulletin
2025-01 CACFP Bulletin
2024-11 CACFP Bulletin
2024-10 CACFP Bulletin
2024-09 CACFP Bulletin
2024-08 CACFP Bulletin
2024-07 CACFP Bulletin
2024-06 CACFP Bulletin
2024-05 CACFP Bulletin
2024-04 CACFP Bulletin
2024-03 CACFP Bulletin
2024-02 CACFP Bulletin
2024-01 CACFP Bulletin
2023-06 CACFP Bulletin
2023-05 CACFP Bulletin
2023-04 CACFP Bulletin
2023-03 CACFP Bulletin
2023-02 CACFP Bulletin
2023-01 CACFP Bulletin
CACFP 01-2023 Credibility of Infant Formula ImportedCACFP Reimbursement Rates 7/1/22-6/30/23NDL Access Guidance for Sponsors
2022-04 CACFP Bulletin
CACFP Training Information and Registration FY23
2022-03 CACFP Bulletin
2022-02 CACFP Bulletin
2022-01 CACFP Bulletin
2021-06 CACFP Bulletin
CACFP Bulletin 2021-06 (docx) CACFP-13-2021 Questions and Answer for Child Nutrition Program Operations in School Year 2021-2022.CACFP-12-2021 Reimbursement for meals and snacks served to Young Adults in CACFP Q& A.CACFP-11-2021 Collection of Race and Ethnicity Data by Visual Observation and Identification in the Child and Adult Care Food Program (docx) CACFP- Required Training information for FY 2022 (docx) CACFP Monitoring Waiver form (docx) CACFP Specific Meal Pattern Flexibility Waiver form (docx) CACFP Non-Cong, Meal Time, Parent Pickup Waiver form (docx)
2021-05 CACFP Bulletin
CACFP Bulletin 2021-05 2021 Alaska Farm to Summer Week Toolkit ICN Virtual Training Flyer-additional classes COVID-19 Nationwide Waiver #96 Onsite Monitoring for SOs in the CACFP until end of emergency COVID-19 Nationwide Waiver #95 Onsite Monitoring Requirements for State Agencies in the CACFP COVID-19 Nationwide Waiver #93 Area Eligibility in Afterschool Program and FDCH to June 30, 2022 COVID-19 Nationwide Waiver #91 Allowing Specific Meal Pattern Flexibility in CACFP until June 30, 2022 COVID-19 Nationwide Waiver #89 Allowing Parents and Guardians to Pick-up Meals for Children through June 30, 2022 COVID-19 Nationwide Waiver #88 Meal Time Requirements to June 30, 2022 COVID-19 Nationwide Waiver #87 Allow Non-Congregate Meal service to June 30, 2022 COVID-19 Nationwide Waiver #84 Waiver Update for School Year 2021-2022 CACFP 08-2021s Emergency Shelter age to 25 CACFP 09-2021 COVID-19 Oversight Reporting Questions-Final
2021-04 CACFP Bulletin
CACFP Bulletin 2021-04USDA Policy Memo CACFP07_2021_CN Emergency Operational Costs Reimb. Program-SA Implementation PlanUSDA Attachement AUpdated ICN_CACFP Virtual Trainings
2021-03 CACFP Bulletin
CACFP Bulletin 2021-03CACFP 05 2021 Attachment Q&AICN Virtual Trainings FlyerSP06_CACFP05_2021s CNP Emergency Operating Costs During COVID-19Implementation Guidance for State Agencies
2021-02 CACFP Bulletin
CACFP Bulletin 2021-02CACFP 04-2021 Q&A Relating to the Nationwide Waiver to Allow SFSP and Seamless Summer Option Operations during School Year 2020-2021 – Q&As #4
2021-01 CACFP Bulletin
CACFP Bulletin 2021-01 CACFP Area Eligibility Nationwide Waiver Extensions Meal Pattern Nationwide Waiver SY20-21 Extension Response #58 CACFP Area Eligibility Nationwide Waiver Crediting Store-bought baby foods Mealtimes with Toddlers Family Handout Reducing Risk of Choking in Young Children Guidance for accepting processed foods USDA Fact Sheet for SO Off-site Monitoring CACFPFY21 USDA Policy Memo CACFP 01-2021 Q&A USDA Policy Memo CACFP03-2021 Q&A USDA Policy Memo CACFP13-2020 Q&A USDA Policy Memo CACFP14-2020 Q&A
2020-06 CACFP Bulletin
2020-06 CACFP BULLETIN COVID-19 Child Nutrition Response #39 Nationwide Waiver of Onsite Monitoring for Sponsors in the CACFP FY21 CACFP Sponsor Monitoring Waiver Request CACFP SY21 Meal Pattern Waiver Request CACFP SY21 Non-Congregate and Parent Pick-up Waiver Request
2020-05 CACFP Bulletin
2020-05 CACFP Bulletin COVID-19 Child Nutrition Response #36– Nationwide Waiver to Allow Meal Pattern Flexibility in the Child Nutrition Programs – Extension COVID-19 Child Nutrition Response #35– Nationwide Waiver to Allow Parents and Guardians to Pick Up Meals for Children in the National School Lunch Program, School Breakfast Program, and Child and Adult Care Food Program – Extension COVID-19 Child Nutrition Response #34– Nationwide Waiver to Allow Meal Service Time Flexibility in the National School Lunch Program, School Breakfast Program, and Child and Adult Care Food Program – Extension COVID-19 Child Nutrition Response #33– Nationwide Waiver to Allow Non-Congregate Feeding in the National School Lunch Program, School Breakfast Program, and Child and Adult Care Food Program – Extension COVID-19 Child Nutrition Response #27– Nationwide Waiver of Monitoring Requirements for Sponsors in the CACFP – Extension COVID-19 Child Nutrition Response #26 – Nationwide Waiver to allow Meal Pattern Flexibility in the Child Nutrition Programs – Extension CACFP 12-2020 Questions and Answers related to Food Service Management Company Contracts and Allowable Costs during the COVID-19 Pandemic CACFP 11-2020 Q&A on the Nationwide Waiver to Extend Unanticipated School Closure Operations through June 30, 2020 COVID-19 Child Nutrition Response #25 Nationwide Waiver to Allow Parents and Guardians to Pick Up Meals for Children – Extension COVID-19 Child Nutrition Response #24 Nationwide Waiver to Allow Meal Pattern Flexibility in the Child Nutrition Programs – Extension COVID-19 Child Nutrition Response #23 Nationwide Waiver to Allow Meal Service Time Flexibility in the NSLP SBP, and CACFP – Extension COVID-19 Child Nutrition Response #22 Nationwide Waiver to Allow Non-congregate Feeding in the Child Nutrition Programs Extension CACFP 09-2020 Child Nutrition Program Meal Service During Novel Coronavirus Outbreaks: Q&A #4 COVID-19 Child Nutrition Response #13 Nationwide Waiver to Allow Meal Pattern Flexibility in the Child Nutrition Programs – Extension COVID-19 Facing COVID-19 with Courage, Commitment, Compassion
2020-04 CACFP Bulletin
- 2020-04 CACFP Bulletin
- SP 14-2020 – Child Nutrition Program Meal Service during Novel Coronavirus Outbreaks: Q&A #3 (4/11/20)
- SP 13-2020 – Child Nutrition Program Nationwide Waivers: Q&A (4/11/20)
- COVID-19 Child Nutrition Response #12
- COVID-19 Child Nutrition Response #7
- Income Eligibility Guidelines for 7/1/20 – 6/30/21
- USDA Building for the Future flyers
2020-03 CACFP Bulletin
- 2020-08 CACFP Bulletin
- COVID19 #1
- COVID19 #2
- COVID19 #3
- COVID19 #4
- COVID19 #5
- USDA Covid Q&A #1
- USDA Covid Q&A #2
- WIC flyer – relaxed rules for applications during COVID-19
- Food Service Safety Precautions flyer
2020-02 CACFP Bulletin
2020-01 CACFP Bulletin
2019-05 Bulletin
- 2019-05 Bulletin (docx)
- CACFP Reimbursement Rates 2019-2020 (docx)
- CACFP Policy Memo 14-2019
- CACFP Policy Memo 15-2019