- Cama-i, quyana tailuci!
- (Central Yup’ik)
- "Greetings, thank you for coming!"
Resources for Districts
Resources for School Districts

Funding Resources
- ARP ESSER Fact Sheet
- Re-engaging Students by Expanding CTE Programs
- Maintenance of Effort Guidance
- Maintenance of Equity Guidance
- Letter from Secretary Cardona (Maintenance of Equity)
- ARP Homeless I and Homeless II State Allocations
- Letter to Chief State School Officers Announcing ARP Homeless Grant Awards
- Use of Funds to Prevent, Prepare for, and Respond to the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Use of Funds for Student Transportation
- Use of Funds for COVID-19 Vaccinations and Testing
- Use of Funds for Incentives to Students to get COVID-19 Vaccination
- Use of Funds for School Construction
- Recording: Using COVID-Relief Funds for Facility Upgrades, Renovations, and Construction Webinar (September 2021)
- Slides: Using COVID-Relief Funds for Facility Upgrades, Renovations, and Construction (September 2021)
- Use of Funds to Prevent and Respond to Crime and Promote Public Safety
- Using ESSER Funds for Labor Shortages
- Using American Rescue Plan Funds and Other Federal Supports to Address Staff Shortages
- Using American Rescue Plan Funds and Other Federal Resources to Address Teacher Shortages
- CCSSO's Memo on ESSER Time and Effort
- Strategies for Using ARP Funding to Address the Impact of Lost Instructional Time
- Fact Sheet: Supporting School Districts in Timely Investment of ARP Funds
- Strategies for Safely Reopening Elementary and Secondary School Volume 1
- Strategies for Safely Reopening Elementary and Secondary School Volume 2
- COVID-19 Federal Funding Allocations to Date for Alaska School Districts
Resource Applicable for FY2024:
- End of COVID Funding Guidance and Real Property Reporting (May 2024)
- Construction and Renovation Guidance for COVID Funds
- FY2024 COVID Relief Application Information & FAQs
- COVID Relief Learning Loss Evidence Based Guidance
- COVID Relief Funding Guidelines: A Resource for Spending Funds Effectively
- COVID Relief Funding FAQs Updated March 2022
- FY2023 COVID Relief Application Slides May 2022
- District Stakeholder Engagement Toolkit
- Evidence Based Guidance
Historical Resources:
- COVID Relief Funding Overview for New Staff Webinar Slides (October 2021)
- ALASBO Webinar Slides (December 2021)
- ARP Act Webinar Slides (March 2021)
- District Mitigation Plan Template
- School Operating Status and Enrollment Report
- Memo from Commissioner Johnson (COVID Relief Funding)
- CRRSA Act Informational Document