- Cama-i, quyana tailuci!
- (Central Yup’ik)
- "Greetings, thank you for coming!"
Legislative Funding
The Department of Education and Early Development (DEED) receives funding to provide support services and grants that provide locally designed comprehensive child development programs encompassing all aspects of a child's development and learning.
Early Learning Coordination |
Description |
Grantee/Vendor |
Amount |
Head Start State Grants Head Start is a federal program that is 80% funded through federal dollars. These state funds go towards the 20% match required by federal mandate. |
Aleutian Pribilof Islands Association Association of Village Council Presidents Bristol Bay Native Association CCS Early Learning Central Council Tlingit and Haida Chugachmiut Cook Inlet Native Head Start Cook Inlet Tribal Council Council of Athabascan Tribal Governments Fairbanks Native Association Kawerak Kenaitze Indian Tribe Kids’ Corp Inc Metlakatla Tanana Chiefs Conference ThrivAlaska |
$13,038,500 |
Parents As Teachers (PAT) Reimbursable Services Agreement (RSA) to the Alaska Department of Health, Division of Public Health, Women’s, Children’s and Family Health Unit for oversight and technical assistance to Parents As Teachers Grantees. |
Kids Corps Kodiak Area Native Association (KANA) RurAL CAP Southeast Alaska –Association for the Education of Young Children (SEA-AEYC) |
$474,700 |
Non-Competitive Grant Early care and education literacy and kindergarten readiness. Supports Imagination Library. |
Best Beginnings |
$320,000 |
Non-Competitive Grant Early care and education professional development, includes support of the state's Quality Recognition and Improvement System (QRIS), Learn & Grow. |
thread |
$300,000 |
Pre-Kindergarten Grants |
Description |
Grantee/Vendor |
Amount |
Pre-Elementary Grant (PEG) Competitive grant for preschool programs in school districts, three-year cycle. Current cycle:
Aleutians East Borough School District Bristol Bay Borough School District Chugach School District Juneau Borough School District Kodiak Island Borough School District Lake and Peninsula Borough School District Nome Public Schools Southwest Region School District Yukon-Koyukuk School District |
$3,200,000 |
Early Education Program Grant (EEP) Competitive grant for school district preschool programs serving 4- and 5-year old children, three-year cycle. AS 14.03.410(a-c) Cohort 1:
Cohort 2:
Cohort 1: Denali Borough School District Galena City School District Hydaburg City School District Iditarod Area School District Kake City School District Kuspuk School District Lower Kuskokwim School District
Cohort 2: Alaska Gateway School District Northwest Arctic Borough School District |
$2,999,900 |
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Head Start
Legislative Funding
Pre-Elementary Approval
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Contact Us
Becky Moren
Early Learning Administrator
Jayne McFarland
Education Specialist II
- EEP to 0.5 ADM Applications
- Grants-Early Education Program (EEP)
- Early Education Program Standards
Kristen Spencer
Education Specialist II
- 619/Preschool Special Education
- Developmental Screening-ASQ-3, ASQ:SE-2
- Grants-Early Learning Coordination Grants
- Grants-Pre-Elementary (PEG)
- Pre-Elementary Approval to Operate Applications
Supanika Ordonez
Education Specialist II
- Assessment-Alaska Developmental Profile
- Assessment-Teaching Strategies GOLD
- Grants-State Early Head Start/Head Start
- Head Start Collaboration Office