- Cama-i, quyana tailuci!
- (Central Yup’ik)
- "Greetings, thank you for coming!"
Head Start
About Head Start
Head Start is a federal program that promotes school readiness of children ages birth to five from low-income families by supporting the development of the whole child through comprehensive services such as health, nutrition, and parent involvement. Head Start was established in 1965, initially as summer program and one of the first programs was in Alaska. In 1981, Congress passed the Head Start Act, which expanded this program. The program was revised and reauthorized in December 2007
Head Start Program State Grants
There are 17 Head Start and Early Head Start programs serving families and children 0-5 years old in classroom and home-based settings across Alaska. DEED provides funding to those programs through an equitable funding formula.
The programs receiving these funds include:
• List of Head Starts and the School Districts They Operate In
Alaska Head Start Collaboration Office
DEED houses the Alaska Head Start Collaboration Office which is funded by a 5-year non-competitive federal grant The Head Start Collaboration Office facilitates partnerships between Head Start agencies and other entities in the state that provide services to children from low-income families
Explore the Site
Early Learning Home
Alaska Reads Act
Early Learning FAQ's
Early Learning Resources
Early Learning Screening and Assessment
Family Resources
Head Start
Legislative Funding
Pre-Elementary Approval
Program Funding Options
Contact Us
Becky Moren
Early Learning Administrator
- EEP to 0.5 ADM Applications
- Grants-Early Education Program (EEP)
- Early Education Program Standards
Jayne McFarland
Education Specialist II
- 619/Preschool Special Education
- Developmental Screening-ASQ-3, ASQ:SE-2
- Grants-Early Learning Coordination Grants
- Grants-Pre-Elementary (PEG)
- Pre-Elementary Approval to Operate Applications
Kristen Spencer
Education Specialist II
- Assessment-Alaska Developmental Profile
- Assessment-Teaching Strategies GOLD
- Grants-State Early Head Start/Head Start
- Head Start Collaboration Office
Supanika Ordonez
Education Specialist II
- Assessment-Alaska Developmental Profile
- Assessment-Teaching Strategies GOLD
- Grants-State Early Head Start/Head Start
- Head Start Collaboration Office