- Cama-i, quyana tailuci!
- (Central Yup’ik)
- "Greetings, thank you for coming!"
Literacy Screener
The Alaska Department of Education & Early Development announced it has selected mCLASS from Amplify as the statewide literacy screener that will help with the early identification of students with reading deficiencies in order to provide specific support so that all students will be able to read at grade level by the end of third grade.
Statewide screening and support are components of the Alaska Reads Act. The screening tool will be administered three times each school year. If a student exhibits a reading deficiency, the school district must offer intensive reading intervention services in addition to the core reading instruction that is provided to all students in a classroom. With early identification of reading deficiencies and evidence-based intervention methods, teachers and families can strategically and confidently help a student improve their reading skills.
Amplify’s mCLASS was developed by the University of Oregon’s Center on Teaching and Learning. mCLASS has been built on decades of research in curriculum-based measurement science and delivers a proven approach that screens for at-risk students and provides insight into individual student’s reading development. The comprehensive assessment system offers progress monitoring, a built-in dyslexia screener, intervention tips, and robust reports for teachers and administrators. The assessment does not diagnose dyslexia but identifies which students need additional evaluation to test for dyslexia.
Literacy Screener Resources |
Amplify mCLASS (Alaska Webpage) Individual Replacement for Universal Screener |
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