- Cama-i, quyana tailuci!
- (Central Yup’ik)
- "Greetings, thank you for coming!"
The Alaska Reads Act
Department Reading Program
What is the Department Reading Program
The Alaska Department Reading Program, established under Alaska's Reads Act, is a voluntary initiative for schools serving kindergarten through third grade that receive state funding and meet eligibility requirements as identified through Alaska Statutes 14.03.123 and described in AS 14.30.765 and 14.30.770.
Designed to provide direct support for participating schools in raising the literacy proficiency in Alaska's lowest-performing 25% of K-3 schools, this program provides comprehensive support from a Department Reading Specialist for each participating school. Through collaborative planning, the MTSS plans for districts and schools will be strengthened. As part of the plan, the program will enhance the ability of schools to implement a K-3 Intensive School Reading Improvement Plan (ISRIP). Support addresses evidence based instructional practices, data dialogue, professional development, student focused scheduling, and communication with parents and other stakeholders. Additional funding for activities tied specifically to the ISRIP goals will be allocated.
This is a one-year program with an option of a second year in order to support district and school leadership in the process of evaluating, implementing, and sustaining evidence-based literacy practices supported by the Science of Reading.
Department Reading Program Resources |
Department Reading Program One-Pager |
Department Reading Program Checklist One-Pager |
DEED Approved Courses and Exams
Alaska Native Language Literacy
Family & Community Support Resources
Review Processes for Courses & Materials